Mid-Ohio Walking Horse Association
Membership in MOWHA includes: 

  • Walker Talker, our electronic newsletter of current club happenings and other resources. 

  • Inclusion in our High Point program with awards presented at our annual banquet. 

  • Free advertising of your for-sale items in our newsletter, on our website and FB

  • Member classes at our horse shows and various other Ohio shows. 

  • Voting rights at member meetings (exludes youth-only membership)​
Mid-Ohio Walking Horse Association is a non-profit group chartered over 40 years ago.  We are made
up of individuals interested in the promotion, breeding and fostering of ownership of the Tennessee Walking Horse.  As a collective group we promote the Tennessee Walking Horse through activities such as shows and demonstrations.  You may have met some of our members at the Equine Affaire manning the NWHA booth and promotion stalls, or performing in a demonstration. 
  Membership runs January thru December of each calendar year.


  • $25 for single membership 
  • $35 for member and spouse/partner
  • $45 for family membership
  • $10 for a youth-only membership, age 17 and under
HomeAbout UsOur ShowsCalendar of EventsEquine AffaireAwards Banquet
For SaleOur SponsorsMembership - Join/RenewForms/Documents/InfoLinksContact Us

Mail completed membership form including check payable to MOWHA to: 

MOWHA Memberships
c/o Roger King
1944 West Fair Avenue
Lancaster, OH 43130

Any questions, please feel free to email:  walkertalkernews@yahoo.com